This year the CENAC (Antigua Fabrica de Licores) is hosting the II Yoga Festival 2009, patrocinated by varios companies among which is the 5 fork restaurant Tin Jo. The Festival will take place on the 19 and 20 of September, 2009, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. both days. The Festival has an entry fee of 1.000 colones and there will by many stands, food and 36 different classes of Yoga, meditation, Chi Kong and Tai Chi. There will also be speakers and small informal conferences in the place to inform people about the advantages of this universal science. For more information please contact www.asoyogacr.com, which is the Asociación Costarricense de Profesores de Yoga. The name of this Yoga Festival is “Yoga para todos, aportes para una cultura de PAZ”.
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